Choosing the Right Type of Photography for Real Estate — Dusk Photography

31 Jan Choosing the Right Type of Photography for Real Estate — Dusk Photography

There’s no question that real estate marketing campaigns pivot around photography, and as the saying goes, first impressions last. In an instant, prospective buyers will form an opinion of your listing and make lasting decisions from that initial, fleeting glance on the net, in a magazine or even a board whilst driving the kids to school. It’s in that first brief encounter with a prospective punter that standing out in the crowd becomes so important. Sure, there are plenty of bells and whistles to help you become more visible amongst the scrum, yet one of the most effective and simple methods of attracting the right attention is often overlooked—choosing the right style of photography for your listing.

Dusk photography is perfect to turn a nice property into something truly spectacular. Shooting at dusk has a ton of positives for a broad cross section of property types. For mid-level homes, the vibrant colour and warm, inviting ambient lighting can cover a multitude of sins and create flair and excitement that otherwise might not be there. For high-end properties, shooting at dusk does the property rightful justice and highlights perfectly all those features such as designer lighting, expansive glass windows, swimming pools and fine finishes that architects, builders and vendors have invested so much attention to.