18 Sep Lucky Eltham Locals
Eltham is a green wedge suburb that’s blazing hot in summer and bitterly cold in winter.
Either a simmering heat haze or chimneys puffing red gum soot, one weather or another is always pretty and always misty.
As atmospheric and attractive as Eltham is, there’s not much to get super excited about in terms of local eating and drinking.
The burnt coffee in leaky take away cups is rife and has been doing my head in…but I digress
30mins one-way is the Yarra Valley and 30mins the other is the city.
It’s a purgatory limbo land for us in the north-eastern suburbs
Well, now some inner city moxie has ventured out to these here parts and everyone else had better pull up their socks.
Second Home smashes it out of the park.
It’s like they looked into my brain and made me a space that sits perfectly with all my particular affections.
Beaming sunlit, architecture/interior designed space. Yep
Gallery of photographic art. Yep
Bloody Mary’s on the menu. Yep
Smoked meat’s on the menu. Yep
Fries with mustard mayo on the menu. Yep
Chutney to take home. Yep
Flowers to take home. Yep
Bread to take home. Yep
Courtyard (soon). Yep
Artisan baker (soon). Yep
Throw in a foot massage and I’m all set.
Seriously. I love this place.
I’m sure Eltham real estate is up 20% because of Second Home.
I’m an expert
Another new contender in the hood, with an ever so slightly less glamorous fit out is Bearded Bean. A roadside coffee joint, serving kick ass coffee from the boot of a spruced up XT Falcon. No kidding.
They hang in the Lower Eltham park first thing in the morning to catch the commuters and dog walkers.
So while you wait in traffic exiting the misty hills of Eltham, you can peel off and grab a flat white and barely lose your spot in the queue, or pop by when walking Puppyfacedoggylegs to the park.
Not burnt.
Not leaky.
Don’t you dare go to the other drive thru.